Due to the non-destructive nature of synchrotron techniques they can be correlated with further techniques that deliver additional information at the same location. To give one example, the combination of DCT and PCT can provide a full 3D picture of the influence of the microstructure on crack propagation. It can be analyzed on which slip system, in which direction, and with what growth rate a crack propagates and how this agrees with the Schmid factor. When the crack is found to slow down in front of a particular grain boundary this information can be correlated with the slip system compatibility across the interface. The datasets can be used to verify existing models that predict the 3D evolution of damage. Correlative DCT/PCT could be also used to understand the formation of voids associated with ductile damage or creep pores in terms of local stress intensities caused by grain anisotropy or the 3D growth rate of corrosion phenomena such as hydrogen embrittlement in terms of grain boundary character.
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